11 September 2007

major issues

sometimes i sit and ask myself dumb questions...like, "what the devil am i doing majoring in french?"
usually these come up after i've had a particularly interesting time in one of my french classes.

today, for example. i'm just all sorts of tired and not wanting to be awake. yet, i find myself waking up at 5 am (subconscious worry that my alarm won't go off), then again at 6:15 (when my alarm actually does go off), to be early for an 8 am class (so i can finish up my homework...). i don't really even want to be in this class! i wanted to be in the noon class...but, as cited by the officials and powers that be over such situations, it was canceled due to "the low number of students enrolled." silliness. pure, unadulterated silliness...

i hereby post my formal complaint.

mostly i'm peeved at this whole thing because if i'd've been able to have the other section, i would have only had one 8 am class--a lab on monday--and i would have had only one class on tuesdays and thursdays--men's chorus at 4 pm. just pause and reflect upon how marvelous that would have been! i would have been perfectly happy with my solid 6/5/3 hour block of classes on monday/wednesday/friday starting at 8/9/11, respectively. but, alas, there is no such luck for a lowly sophomore majoring in the french language. sadness overwhelming!

otherwise, things are coming along smashingly.

1 comment:

Nick Wheeler said...

He he... that's sad. I hate 8:00 a.m. classes. You'll soon adjust, I'm sure.