24 August 2007


so, i've been wondering lately, who all reads this thing? you should leave a comment on this post when you read it...just so i know you exist.

that's something i've been wondering about lately, as i've considered getting more regular and in depth (i'm really not sure that's the right way to say it...) in my blogging. i want to have a good blog. mostly this means, i think, that it needs to be interesting. i mean...that's why i read the blogs to which i subscribe regularly--they interest me. either because i know the person that writes it, or the author has a unique point of view that i appreciate a lot and says profound, thought provoking things.
maybe this is just a me thing again... that happens a lot, i've noticed.

so...what things have you read on this blog that are interesting? what kinds of things would you like to see here? what makes you cringe when you see it? i want this to be a cool thing that people enjoy reading, you know? (wow...i so felt like i was on the verge of "selling out" right there... that was weird. anywho...)

oh...and how does one go about increasing one's reader basis? and is there any way to track that? or to track if people have subscribed to your blog through atom, rss, google reader and the like?

this concludes my random question session for the day. thank you for your time and participation. :)

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