03 June 2007


so...as you're no doubt aware, i spent a little time in provo these last days...for various reasons. whilst there, i just sort of happened into a date...

sort of...

can you happen into a date?


so, i was gonna go on a semi-blind date with a friend of a friend (this becomes important later...), but she was in california for some silly reason. so, i found another date instead--katherine. i thought it would be fun to go out with her, since i hadn't for a while. things ended up so that my double didn't double...and i was left with little time, trying to figure out what in the heck one does on a date...!


ok...so it's been like a month since i started writing this...so now it's time for the reader's digest condensed version, for publication's sake:

went on a hike with katherine up to stewart falls...lots of fun. we enjoyed it immensely.

later that week (this is later...now) i hung out with bobby and went hot-tubbing...for, like, the first time in my whole existence. it was also fun. shameless flirting occurred with friend sunni. she was fun to flirt with. facebook flirtage followed...end of story.

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