29 November 2006


i think you are a liar.
you cannot control my mind.
i never had one.

26 November 2006

I rule your world

My good brother Gui,

I would just like you to know that I am the source of all bad things,
and am in complete control of your mind.

You know who am.


18 November 2006



so...yeah...i went on a date today. it was hunka hunka burnin' awesome. (i have no idea where that came from...) it was with...did we ever come up with pseudos?...with the californian/soccer game attender (aka katherine...). maybe i should make a glossary or something...
anywho--i'd asked her if she wanted to do something for this week the last time we did something together, after my concert. we both had a little bit of non-available time, excepting saturday...so we decided to "do lunch." it was good. the experience, i mean. the food, too...but--anyway.
so, we got some sandwiches at a place called kneader's, and then on a whim decided to picnic. i called up abe contos, and asked him if it would be kosher to picnic at his work, sun river gardens. it all checked out, so we dined under a tiki hut in the greenhouse. it was cool. we toured the facilities afterward, which were all decked out for christmas.
then, as we were driving back to her place, she pointed out the orem public library. we decided to stop in. we looked at the vast selection of movies available for checkout, and then hit up the children's books section. we went through and found some favorites from childhood, and spent over an hour reading children's books to eachother. it was so freaking awesome. i think i've decided i like this girl...a lot. now i just have to figure out how to handle that.



yes...sorry...a little late here. on the 11th, after my concert, i did a little friendly hanging out with katherine. we went and played uno at one of her friend's homes. it was fun. and i got to drive her sister's car...which is a really nice car. it drives well. yes...that's all.

11 November 2006


i may be on the verge of doing something silly.
stop me...

07 November 2006

crap... v.6.2

so, there needs to be an ammendment made to the last bit there on the latest report. minor side-effects have reached an advanced, near critical state. this can be blamed on joe. i'm not saying it is blamed on joe...but it can be. i'll leave it up to the general populus to decide whether or not it was joe's fault (see 2 Gui 8:18). yes...well. i think that's enough said.
so...yes...that's all.

         joe...you're fired.

06 November 2006


uh...so in general, i think this fact is already known...but i had a date on saturday--with my wife. :) yeah...so it was pretty much freakin' awesome.
so...i come up on friday to go to saints and pioneers, right? well, on the way up, i get asked what my plans are for the rest of the weekend. i mention the fact that my cousin is having a reception in layton on saturday, which i was planning on attending. only then does the reason for the question come out--and she basically says, "oh...too bad, 'cause i was gonna ask you to do this..." well...being that i also have a family reunion in a couple of weeks...no terrible loss if i don't go to the reception (me-logic...it seems to work...). so, i stay for saturday and the dance.
we didn't do anything overly extravagant--which is to say we went to the dance, and that was it. but it was loads of fun. and, i got to be with arguably the most attractive (on several levels) young lady at the event. yay for me!
there you have it, brethren. a wonderful excursion...and with only minor side-effects on my mental stability. :)

01 November 2006


yay! so, i finally bucked up on the eve of the dead, and i asked...uh...we really need to finalize the nomenclature on these lasses. uh...the one i went to the soccer game with, from my first student ward...i asked her if she wanted to hang for a while. she had some homework at first...but around 9 i went over to her place with a pie and some ice cream. we had a loverly time chatting and listening to baroque music. yay! so...this one is in a definite state of candidature. this is what i've decided. she's tricky, though. i don't know. we'll see. yes...that's all.

silly me...

yeah...so on monday...uh...well...funny story. i conversed in one form or another with 5 distinct female entities throughout the day--including a new one i don't know. (i'm getting so good at this...) so...in holding dialogue with said members of the other human species, i nearly asked 4 of them to do something with me the following evening. 1, being out of the state, was not an option. 2, having things going on that would not allow for such things, i did not bother to ask. the other 2...well...i'm a yellow-bellied sap sucker. i'm so bad at this game... on the bright side, though, i almost asked 4 girls out on a date!


uh...so on sunday i had a date-like thing. i was invited to have dinner with shiloh and her husband...and was consequently set up with one of shiloh's coworkers, who apparently wanted to hook up with me. odd.
it was a good time. we made pizza and watched over the hedge. good movie. so...it was fun, but i think that will be about the extent of it, yo.